01884 260153 / 07737 871085
Biodiversity Net Gain
Understanding BNG
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a sustainable approach to development. It makes sure that habitats for wildlife are left in a measurably better state than they were before the development.
Measuring biodiversity
Biodiversity net gain is a strategy to develop land and at the same time, contribute to the recovery of nature. It ensures habitat for wildlife is in a better state than it was before development started. Large and small developments must achieve an overall 10% BNG as part of their project.
If BNG is unachievable within a particular development site, developers can pay other landowners / managers to carry out habitat improvements on their behalf. This means land managers now have the opportunity to sell developers biodiversity units to address their BNG requirement.

Creating, enhancing and maintaining habitats to deliver BNG
Green Shoots can provide a full biodiversity audit, which lists all the landscape features and species on your farm. We will consider the needs of your farm business, so you can maintain productive habitats and species in your area to deliver BNG. We will also guide you to any other grant opportunities relating to Biodiversity Net Gain.
To find out more about how Green Shoots Farm Consultancy can help your business with Biodiversity Net Gain, get in touch today.