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Carbon Auditing / Footprinting

Be a Carbon Neutral Farming Business

Conducting a carbon audit can provide carbon footprints at the whole-farm or enterprise levels. These can identify the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, therefore pinpointing the key opportunities for both business and environmental improvement.

What is carbon footprinting?

The trace of the greenhouse gases produced by our activities is known as the carbon footprint. Carbon footprinting  measures all greenhouse gas emissions from companies and their scope, whether they are direct and controllable or not. Your carbon footprint represents the total volume of greenhouse gases resulting from everyday farm activity. Knowing the carbon footprint of each activity, which is measured in tonnes of CO2 emissions, is important when it comes to taking measures and following initiatives to reduce it to the lowest level possible. 

Carbon Footprint UK Farmers

This environmental indicator measures both direct and indirect emissions of compounds like methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and, above all, the most abundant and most important contributor to global warming since 1990: Carbon dioxide (CO2). 

What can I do to reduce my farm emissions?

Farms and other agricultural businesses usually have the option to reduce or offset their carbon footprints by improving their energy efficiency, consuming energy of 100 % renewable origin, investing in environmental projects, paying green taxes and buying tons of CO2 on the international emissions market, among other options.

To find out more about how Green Shoots Farm Consultancy can help your farming business with a Carbon Audit, get in touch today.

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