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Farm Assurance Preparation

Preparing For Your Red Tractor Assessment

Adhering to farm assurance standards and supply chain requirements for farm produce is a time-consuming yet critical task. 

What is Farm Assurance?

UK Farm Assurance schemes allow British farmers to demonstrate the food that they have produced has met specific, independently certified standards at each stage of the supply chain from ‘farm to fork’.


These standards include animal health and welfare, food safety, stockmanship training and competence, and environmental protection.


Farm assurance schemes are designed to enable shoppers to make sustainable and ethically-informed choices about the food they choose to buy, including the impact of food production on animal health and welfare. 

How do you get the red tractor certificate?

Red Tractor champions British food and farmers, and is the UK's largest food and farm standards scheme. Red Tractor Certified Standards schemes are managed by licensed certification bodies, which carry out assessments on behalf of the association. We can help you to understand and meet the membership standards and follow the correct procedures to ensure you will be accepted into the scheme.

To find out more about how Green Shoots Farm Consultancy can help your farming business with Farm Assurance Preparation, get in touch today.

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