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Farm Tenancy Applications
Applying for a Farm Business Tenancy
A farm tenancy application is usually a fairly substantial document, encompassing a business plan and projected financial budgets, along with additional information which may be stipulated by the prospective landlord.
How does farm tenancy work in the UK?
Every farm tenancy agreement is unique. You should seek independent expert advice before entering into a new tenancy agreement or arrangement, or changing an existing one.
We can help you with many aspects of farm tenancy, including (but not limited to) starting a tenancy, exchange of notices, farm rent reviews, farm business tenancy compensation or ending a tenancy.

What are the different types of farm tenancy?
There are two main types of agricultural tenancies:
Full agricultural tenancies, which are subject to the Agricultural Holdings Act (1986)
Farm business tenancies, which are subject to the Agricultural Tenancies Act (1995)
Both types of tenancy are classed as an agreement between a landlord who owns agricultural land and a tenant who, by paying rent, exclusively occupies that land (including any buildings on it) for the purpose of operating a farming business.
Opportunities to fulfil the ambition of living and working full-time on a farm are rare. A Farm Business Tenancy could provide such an opening but the tender application process can be daunting. Tendering for a farm can be life-changing, so it is important to prepare your application and present yourself to the best of your ability.
If you'd like to find out more about how Green Shoots Farm Consultancy can help with your farming tenancy application, get in touch today.