01884 260153 / 07737 871085
Habitat Surveys
Supporting Local Environment & Wildlife
A habitat survey often acts as the basic starting point for a full ecological assessment of a site and involved assessing the botanical status of the site.
Phase 1 Habitat Classification
Several classification systems are available, all of which are standardised for classifying and mapping the wider countryside and ensuring that surveys are carried out to a consistent level of detail and accuracy. During the survey, natural, semi-natural and artificial habitats are mapped, and the presence of various plant species within each is recorded. This survey is the first step toward understanding the ecology of a site, whether there are notable or sensitive habitats present, and how the habitats may be affected by any development or environmental changes.

Can I carry out my own habitat survey?
With expert guidance, it is of course possible for you to conduct your own habitat survey. We can also create habitat or ecological management plans for you, tailored to your requirements. This may be necessary if you have a planning condition which states that you must retain and manage certain ecological features after development has been completed.
To find out more about how Green Shoots Farm Consultancy can help your farming business with habitat surveys, get in touch today.