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UK Woodland Carbon Code
and UK Peatland Carbon Code Advice
The UK Woodland Carbon Code is the government-certified standard for generating carbon offset units through woodland creation in the UK. The Peatland Code is the UK's standard for generating carbon offset units by restoring degraded peatlands.
Woodland creation projects in the UK
The Woodland Carbon Code is the quality assurance standard for woodland creation projects in the UK. Backed by the government, the forestry industry and carbon market experts, the code generates high integrity, independently verified carbon units right here in the UK. Woodland Carbon Code projects provide social and environmental benefits for communities across the UK. These include biodiversity and habitat creation, improvements in health and wellbeing, benefits for farming, local employment and educational opportunities.

Can I get carbon credits for my woodland?
Newly planted woodlands which meet the standards set out in the UK Woodland Carbon Code can provide an additional income stream to agricultural businesses, with sales of carbon units either giving income upfront (a native woodland could generate around 400 units per hectare) or future income (from the sale of Woodland Carbon Units once the woodland has actually sequestered and stored the carbon from the atmosphere).
The UK Peatland Code: Certifying emissions avoidance
The UK Peatland Code is a voluntary certification standard for UK peatland projects wishing to market the climate benefits of peatland restoration. The PCC provides assurances to voluntary carbon market buyers that the climate benefits being sold are real, quantifiable, additional and permanent.
Peatlands are naturally waterlogged systems. This slows down decomposition and enables plant remains, containing carbon removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis, to be laid down as peat. As a result, peatlands in their natural state accumulate carbon, in the form of peat, at a rate of approximately 1mm a year. It is this long-term carbon storage that sets peatlands apart from other ecosystems.
Taking action now to invest in peatlands will avoid far greater future costs to businesses and wider society from climate change and environmental harm resulting from damaged peatlands. To understand more about how your agricultural business can benefit from peatland restoration, contact Green Shoots today.
To find out more about how Green Shoots Farm Consultancy can help your farming business with the Woodland Carbon Code & Peatland Code, get in touch today.